Sunday, December 27, 2009

Adaptable by Shane Gray

Being adaptable does not simply entail being easily changed; you must
be willing to: 1) change for the beterment of the team and 2) change
in a way that's creative and efficient. Becoming adaptable can be
broken down into four key "sub-qualities". The first is teachability.
You must be willing to learn new material no matter how grueling the
task may seem or feel initially; as long as the learning puts you in a
position to adapt successfully, it's well worth the temporary pain.
The second "sub-quality" is emotional security. People who are
emotionally secure do not get all worked up when change occurs.
Instead, they remain calm, embrace the change, and look at what they
can do to make the best out of the situation in regards to the team.
Next is creativity. Similarly to what I said in my quote by Phil
Jackson about how unpredictable the game of basketball can be,
creative problem solving is vital to being adaptable. When an
unprecedented or unfamiliar obstacle confronts our team, look for a
solution to the change in an unorthodox manner; do not be afraid of
trying something that is outside your comfort zone. Being service
minded is the final key to becoming adaptable. Your goals and values
should be placed with the team in mind first; be unselfish.

Players Who Demonstrate Adaptablitity
1) Josh Burnett- When our team was in need of a point guard, Josh (who
has played mainly the 2 and 3 in career) did not hesitate to step up
and fill the role. He has been teachable in doing so and has taken
extra strides to ensure he fully understands the position and what it
entails. He is service minded because the point guard may not score
many points, but to say this position is extremely VITAL to the team
is an understatement. So far in his transition, he has been challenged
to facilitate our offense (along with Hansen) and has lead us to a
solid start to the season with 2 wins vs. formidable teams. He has
also played stingy defense against 2 of the most premier guards in our
league (Beldo and Grossman).

2) Eric "Birdman" Johnson- Although last year was his first season in
the program, he made unprecented strides during the season and
eventually logged key minutes in important end-of-the-season games. He
has been challenge with adding an offensive spark to our team after
having no role with the team for his first two years.

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